The control of weeds in the RM of Headingley is regulated by the Noxious Weeds Act of Manitoba. Property owners are required to maintain their properties in such a manner as to prohibit the growth of noxious weeds.
The MacDonald Weed Control District provides inspection, enforcement, and control services in the municipality. Property owners who fail to comply with notices for control of weeds will be subject to fines. In addition, the Weed District will arrange for the weeds on the property to be either sprayed or cut, and the costs become the responsibility of the owner.
The Weed District also provides advice and assistance to property owners in identifying and controlling weeds. Property owners in newer developments have further property maintenance requirements imposed by development agreements registered against their property.
Owners are required to cut their grass and/or weeds a minimum of three times per year.
Weed Supervisor
MacDonald Weed Control District
Phone (204) 736-2331